Goals and Plans for 2022!

Goals and Plans for 2022!

**We partner with some awesome products to help you achieve your vegetable goal! We only recommend things that we use and love! If you purchase through our links, we make a slight commission at no cost to you! As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. See our full disclosure.** 

Wow! It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog post!

I kind of miss it and I’m sure you do too!

So excited for it now!

And what a perfect time!

I love to put out our goals for the new year and expectations of what’s to come. 

Pete and I have been super busy behind the scenes doing lots of stuff.

Here’s what we got going down for 2022!

1. We discontinued our CSA program.

If in case you don’t know what CSA is, it’s like membership to the farm where you get a weekly basket of veggies. 

We’ve been running it the entire time we’ve been IAF and this decision didn’t come lightly. We LOVED all of our members and our decision is based solely on operational purposes. 

Everything will be going towards our farm stand which is on Wednesdays from 3-6 pm. As production increases, we’ll add another day. 

2. We’re totally restructuring the farm its self!

Our beds have been 50ft in a horizontal pattern, but we are in the process of changing them to 100 ft in a vertical pattern and we’ve taken out some fence lines that were in the way. 

It looks incredible!! (Can’t wait to show you at our next farm tour which will be probably February or March depending on weather). 

Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but so much more functional!! You never know something is not quite working until you change it up and are like “wow!! This is going to be amazing!”

3. We’re teaching people how to garden.

2020 hit everyone hard! The biggest thing that hit us hard during that year as a business was how many people were scared because they didn’t know how to provide for themselves and their families. 

We had so many people come to us seeking help on how to garden and you know how when you know something it’s hard to teach it to others? You just know it right?

We spent 2021 working on how we can help as many people as possible learn to garden so that if something like this would to occur again, they would at least know what to do. 

Gardening is becoming a lost art AND we’ve seen it firsthand that there are not that many farmers out there anymore and not too many coming up in the ranks. 

We will be launching a new program in January called Start Your Garden Bootcamp, a 4 day LIVE online bootcamp to help new(ish) gardeners know where to start gardening so they can feed their family.

Soooo excited about this!!! If you want to be added to our list to get notified first…click here!!


We’ve worked hard on our list of veggies coming up for 2022 and we are super stoked!! 

They are ALL your favorites with a few new ones thrown like a bottle gourd. This is a very popular vegetable in Indian and we are so excited to have been introduced to it!! It is VERY similar to squash and actually holds up better to cooking!! 

Here is the list of goodies for this year and when to expect them (minus anything we want to play around with!)

January – April: Salad mix, romaine, spinach, bok choy, radishes, carrots, bottle gourd, cucumbers, kale, Swiss chard, bunching onions, garlic, broccoli, beets

May-August: Green beans, yard long beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, cantaloupe, watermelon, summer greens, ground cherries, okra

September – December: Will see a mix of these ☝️

I would LOVE to hear what your goals are for the new year!! Even if it’s not veggie-related…post in the comments below and share with me your thoughts for 2022!!